Journal of Food and Nutrition (JFN)

ISSN No: 2375-6829


Farnaz Maleky

Assistant Professor
Ohio State University


Farnaz Maleky gained her B.Sc. degree in chemical engineering from Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. In 2005 she joined the University of Guelph, Food Science department and developed novel processing and non-destructive measurement techniques for food materials which opened up the possibility of developing new products with the desired functionality. After receiving her M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Food Science, she joined the Department of Food Science and Technology within the Ohio State University in 2012 as an Assistant Professor in lipid chemistry. Her research is concentrated on the area of Lipid crystallization, particularly nano-engineering of fats .

Research Interest

The focus of her work is the development of mechanical and structural models that link micro/nano structural parameters of polycrystalline soft materials to their macroscopic properties for a better health benefits and sensory attributes of foods.